Tamturbo privacy policy

Briefly on data privacy

Tamturbo Plc is committed to protecting your privacy and processing your personal data in accordance with relevant data protection legislation and good data processing practices.
Tamturbo Plc collects and uses your personal data (e.g. name, e-mail address and telephone number) for various purposes, including, for example, providing our services to you and improving your customer experience.
This privacy statement provides an overview of how personal data is processed by Tamturbo Plc. We will provide you information on how your personal data is used in certain situations, including in marketing, when you apply for a job in Tamturbo Plc, when you sign an agreement with Tamturbo Plc and when you visit our website (“website”).

Contents of the privacy statement
  • Why do we process your personal data?
  • What type of data do we collect from you?
  • How do we use your personal data?
  • How long do we retain your personal data?
  • Do we share your personal data with other parties?
  • What are cookies and how are they used on this website?
  • What do you need to know before clicking links to third party websites?
  • How do we protect your personal data?
  • What are your rights regarding the processing of your personal data?
  • Can this privacy statement be amended?
  • How to contact us?
Why do we process your personal data?

We may collect your personal data for various purposes. Specific data processing is detailed in topic-specific privacy statements, such as the customer and stakeholder privacy statement.

The common purpose of data processing in Tamturbo Plc is to exercise its rights related to you or to fulfil its obligations. For example, if you are a customer, we collect your personal data in order to provide information and services for you, to develop and improve your customer experience, to maintain and develop our relationship and to communicate with you more efficiently.

What type of data do we collect from you?

We primarily collect personal data directly from you. You may disclose information to us, for example, by contacting us, by providing feedback, by participating in training organised by us, by registering as a user of our services, by applying for a job, or by ordering our newsletters or other material.

We generally collect the following type of data:

  • identification and contact information, including your name, company, e-mail address and telephone number
  • information on the account, including communication settings, your interest in our products and your use of Tamturbo Plc products and services
  • technical data, including your IP address.

It is your decision whether or not you wish to disclose your information to us. If you decide not to disclose your information, we may not be able to carry out your request, including registering you as a user of our services, view your job application or provide our products and services to you.

We may also use third party cookies and related technology, if necessary. For more information on cookies, please see “What are cookies and how are they used on this website?”

How do we use your personal data?

How we use your private data depends on the purpose which the data was originally collected for. In order to provide you with an overview of how we process personal data, we have listed some examples below.

In general, we use your personal data in particular:

  • for selling products and services to you (your employer)
  • for acquiring products and services from you (your employer)
  • for delivering products or services to you (your employer)
  • for providing customer support for sold products or services
  • for carrying out surveys
  • for ensuring and optimising the website operation of the website
  • for marketing communications
  • for protecting and monitoring access to the Tamturbo Plc facilities
  • for recruitment
  • for informing Tamturbo’s investors
  • for fulfilling our legal and contractual obligations.
How long do we retain your personal data?

We will only retain personal data for as long as it is necessary for fulfilling our rights and obligations related to such data. However, as these rights and obligations vary between processing circumstances, we provide additional information on retention times in topic-specific privacy statements.

Any personal data will be deleted or anonymised as soon as it becomes unnecessary.

Do we share your personal data with other parties?

We use third parties, such as service providers, for collecting, storing and processing personal data on our behalf. Such service providers may only process your personal data to the extent it is necessary for performing the service we have requested. Such parties cannot use your personal data for promoting their operations without your consent.

In order to protect your privacy, we require all of our service providers to maintain the confidentiality and adequate security of any personal data we share with them. Such parties must also observe any data processing agreements and applicable data privacy legislation.

Tamturbo Plc may also disclose or transfer your personal data within the Tamturbo group. In general, your personal data will not be transferred outside the EU. In case your personal data is transferred abroad, we will always ensure the security of the transfer by ensuring that such a transfer is legally justified and that any regulations on data transfer are observed.

What are cookies and how are they used on this website?

We use cookies on this website to improve the functionality of the website and to collect information on visits to the website.

Cookies are small files saved on your computer’s hard drive which the website uses for identifying your computer. We can either use cookies that are permanently stored on your computer (persistent cookies), or cookies that disappear after you close the browser (session cookies).

Cookies help us collect data, for example, of your computer, IP address, operating system and browser type. Such data typically includes information that cannot be used to identify any data related to a specific user. However, if we do have your personal data, information collected with cookies can be connected to such data.

Data collected with cookies is used for statistical and analytical purposes, including maintaining statistics on website use, carrying out research for improving the use of the website and/or Tamturbo Plc’s other products and services, determining the most popular content on the website and the optimisation of website.

Our website uses third party instruments that enable the use of features for sharing content on social media and for carrying out surveys, for example. In some cases, such third-party instruments may store cookies on your computer and use monitoring technology for personalising your experience or providing targeted advertising. For details on the privacy policies of cookie providers, please see the relevant privacy statements.

You may also disable cookies with your browser settings and certain features. As your browser may enable cookies by default, we recommend you to review your browser settings if you have doubts regarding the use of cookies on the website. Please note, however, that certain parts of the website require the use of cookies in order to work. If you disable the use of cookies in your browser settings, you may not be able to use such parts of the website.

What do you need to know before clicking links to third party websites?

The website may contain links to third party websites. Please note that Tamturbo Plc is not responsible for the data policies or content of such third-party websites. This privacy statement concerns only our own websites. Please read the relevant privacy statements of any website you access.

How do we protect your personal data?

Tamturbo Plc protects any personal data in its possession  with guidelines, methods and precautionary measures that restrict third party access to the data. We also restrict the access of our employees and service providers to personal data: only the persons who require the use of personal data in the performance of their duties have access to such personal data.

What are your rights regarding the processing of your personal data?

The GDPR provides the data subject with several rights based on which the data subject can in many situation himself/herself decide on the processing of his/her personal data. The extent of your rights is subject to the legal basis for processing and exercising your rights requires identification

You have the right to review any personal data we have collected about you and to request us to remove or rectify any incorrect, unnecessary, incomplete or obsolete personal data.

You may exercise the aforementioned rights and/or express your concerns regarding the use of your personal data by contacting us. You may find our contact information below in the section “How to contact us?”, and in topic-specific privacy statements.

Can this privacy statement be amended?

We may update this privacy statement at any time without any specific announcements. The current privacy statement can always be found on this website.

We recommend you to read this privacy statement occasionally in order to stay up-to-date regarding any changes.

How to contact us?

If you have any enquiries or requests regarding this privacy statement or any of your personal data in the possession of Tamturbo Plc, please contact by e-mail: info@localhost.

This privacy statement was last updated 5.6.2019

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