Key figures

Key financial figures 2023

  • Net sales increased by 60% to 8,2 million euros (comparison period FY 2022 net sales was 5.1 million euros)
  • The company received new orders for 8.4 million euros and the order backlog at the end of the year was 5.8 million euros, which is 1.2 million euros more than at the end of the comparison period.
  • EBITDA was -4.8 million euros (-3,9)
  • The net result was -5.6 million euros (-5,0)

The figures in the financial statement are audited.

Figures in parentheses refer to the corresponding period of the previous year, unless otherwise stated.

Key figures H2/2023  H2/2022 2023 2022
Net sales, thousand euros 5 458 2 791 8 184 5 103
Change in net sales % 96 % 88 % 60 % 111 %
EBITDA, thousand euros -2 260 -1 906 -4 810 -3 917
EBIT, thousand euros -2 528 -2 141 -5 318 -4 385
Net profit, thousand euros -2 674 -2 323 -5 645 -5 015
Cash flow operations, thousand euros -2 695 -2 072 -5 679 -4 872
Equity ratio 40 % 49 % 40 % 49 %
Order backlog, thousand euros 5 838 4 604 5 838 4 604
Order intake, thousand euros 3 466 4 221 8 445 5 743
Net Gearing % -33 % -26 % -33 % -26 %
Earnings per share, euro -0,16 -0,18 -0,31 -0,34