
Tamturbo meets the sustainable development goals of industry and the Company’s customers

Tamturbo is an industrial cleantech growth company that, with its oil-free compressed air solution, enables production processes that are cleaner and, in the Company’s opinion, more energy-efficient and cause less carbon dioxide emissions, which meets the requirements of sustainable development:

  • According to the company, the lowest life cycle cost, 20-30 percent lower than “oil-free” screw compressors.
  • 100 percent oil-free air, no risk of compressed air contamination.
  • According to the company’s understanding, better, and permanent, energy efficiency throughout the life of the compressor.
  • Virtually maintenance-free technology.
  • Savings in waste management, no oil waste, no oily condensate or oil separation costs.
  • Compact size, space saving. The customer’s threshold to switch from traditional technology to Tamturbo’s technology is very low, because the devices are smaller in size and the electrical and plumbing connections are in accordance with standards.

Tamturbo sustainable design

Tamturbo was started in 2010 around the founding idea that the world needs a more environmentally friendly alternative to producing compressed air – we cannot continue wasting our most valuable resources, energy and environment.

Today, Tamturbo provides sustainably designed technology. It is completely oil-free enabling a virtually maintenance free life cycle and provides the customer with measurable, and significant cost & energy savings. The completely oil-free solution is the most reliable option for industries where the air needs to be completely clean, such as food, beverage and pharmaceuticals.